Applaud BnB
Hours: 8am - 8pm
A peaceful place to rest. Over ten years' experience. Highly rated in client comments (Applaud BnB) Small intimate on 4 acres, 5 mins from motorway, 35 mins from Airport. Comfortable amenities in large Homestead with a large colourful garden.
Away from neighbours yet walking distance from Drury Village for famous "Murphey's Pub and other amenities. 7 mins from Papakura with a large selection of more restaurants. #Note not a Motel or Hotel.
Farm animals and pets on site. Large concrete off road area for parking incl. trailers. NPR CCTV covering sole over bridge entrance.
BnB with Driveway Park in serene small quiet surroundings. 2 mins from the motorway, exit 461 and 25 mins from Airport during non-congested times.
Shops and food access within walking distance, including the famous "Murphy's Pub".
4 Acre semi-rural property with farm animals incl. Donkey, Kuni Kuni pigs, sheep, chickens, cat, goats and house pets. Dogs are well-trained. Free Wi-Fi and hot shower water. Not a large caravan park!
Map & Directions
46 Flanagan Rd, Drury,
Direction from the Auckland International Airport by car:
On leaving Airport, head for Manukau. As you are leaving the road away from the Airport, stay in RH lane, turn right once you have passed under motorway bridge. Important: Stay on RH side!! You will join the motorway and you will be going South towards Hamilton. Once you get under next motorway bridge, stay on RH lane. You than join the Southern Motorway. Having slowly climbed up to Manurewa, make sure you are in the RH lane due to works. Then down the hill to Takanini, carry straight on passed the Papakura turn off and you will see a large petrol/food station on your left. Ours is the next turn off – 461 Pukekohe/Drury - (Not far to go, 2km.) You need to turn left on the Gt South Rd for about 1km until you come to a roundabout. Turn right and you will very quickly be on a bridge (Railway), SLOW down as you need to turn right immediately after the bridge into Flanagan Road. (Our road). You will travel parallel along the railway lines and in the distance (300 metres) you will see on the left-hand side a large round black round container with the number 46 upon it - that is us. Turning into the driveway you will see a “Applaud B&B” sign. (Google Maps is WRONG!) first part of driveway is a bit bumpy then, over a bridge, past a donkey, keep left and park in front of the road cones. Come up the large, rounded concrete steps. You will be greeted by two friendly dogs and possibly a cat as well. Cheers, Robert.
Direction from the South
Once you come down from the Bombay Hills you will be on some straight motorway stretches. (Not far to go) After Ramarama you need to turn of the motorway at exit 461 (Pukekohe/Drury) You need to turn first right, under the motorway, on to the Gt South Rd, go straight through another set of lights then proceeding for about 1km until you come to a roundabout. Turn right and you will very quickly be on a bridge over the railway, SLOW down as you need to turn right immediately.
Cancellation Policy
Full refund for cancellations made greater than 24 hours of your arrival date.
Cancellations made within 24 hours of your arrival date are non-refundable.